Worship Services
Order of Worship
Prayers & Praises-Shad McKinzie
Call to Worship - Dan Aaron
Worship - "I'll Fly Away”
"Great Things"
"Build My Life"
Sermon - Nolan Owings
"Fellowship: A Vision of the Church
Invitation - "Goodness of God"
Closing Song- "Desert Song"
Remember to support our missions. The donation box is available every Sunday in the foyer. All seven of our missions are supported monthly. Attach a note if you wish to designate your giving.
If anyone, of any age, needs a ride to church please contact the office or one of the elders. The church bus runs before Sunday school every Sunday morning.
The Love Packages tote will be out for the first two Sundays in January for anyone who may want to donate a used devotion book or their copy of Core-52. Any other acceptable materials can also be donated at that time.
Congratulations to Tylor and Katie Etheridge on the birth of Emmalynn Faith! She was born on December 31st weighing 6 lbs, 7 oz., and was 17.5 in. long.
Youth Groups and Sunday Evening Bible Study resume this evening.
For those who have signed up for the Marriage Retreat, please turn in the $30 payment to Nolan or the office by January 26th.
An all church skating party will be held on Saturday, February 8th from 3:30-5:30 at Skateland Rollersport in Fairfield. Skate rental will be paid for by the church.
If anyone, of any age, needs a ride to church please contact the office or one of the elders. The church bus runs before Sunday school every Sunday morning.
The Love Packages tote will be out for the first two Sundays in January for anyone who may want to donate a used devotion book or their copy of Core-52. Any other acceptable materials can also be donated at that time.
Congratulations to Tylor and Katie Etheridge on the birth of Emmalynn Faith! She was born on December 31st weighing 6 lbs, 7 oz., and was 17.5 in. long.
Youth Groups and Sunday Evening Bible Study resume this evening.
For those who have signed up for the Marriage Retreat, please turn in the $30 payment to Nolan or the office by January 26th.
An all church skating party will be held on Saturday, February 8th from 3:30-5:30 at Skateland Rollersport in Fairfield. Skate rental will be paid for by the church.
Service This Week and Next
Greeters today: Jayare & Tara Buerster
Greeters Next Week: Shad & Merilee McKinzie
Welcome Center Today: Kathy
Welcome Center Next Week: Debbie
Nursery Today: Sandy & Audrey
Nursery Next Week: Michelle & Joyce
Children's Church Today: Darla
Children's Church Next Week: Ashley
Call to Worship Next Week: Jarod Weaver
Greeters Next Week: Shad & Merilee McKinzie
Welcome Center Today: Kathy
Welcome Center Next Week: Debbie
Nursery Today: Sandy & Audrey
Nursery Next Week: Michelle & Joyce
Children's Church Today: Darla
Children's Church Next Week: Ashley
Call to Worship Next Week: Jarod Weaver